Entries by Wendy Ferris

Job Creation and Destruction in the UK

The ERC published a new research paper today on job creation and destruction in the UK economy, based on new analysis of ONS data. The analysis, by Mark Hart and Neha Prashar, shows that established firms are already shedding jobs, and although employment is being buoyed by start-ups, these are prone to high failure rates…. Read more

Firm-level data hints at “canary in the mine” for UK’s employment ‘miracle’

View video here Firm-level data hints at “canary in the mine” for UK’s employment ‘miracle’ • Enterprise Research Centre study finds established firms are already shedding jobs, despite employment being buoyed by start-ups • ‘Churn’ in private sector saw 4.9m jobs created and destroyed last year • Strong employment figures may be “lulling policymakers into… Read more

ERC Research Showcase. March 2019

The latest ERC Research Showcase event took place on 7th March at The Shard in London. There was a packed agenda full of updates on a variety of projects currently underway at the centre. The aim of the day was to present and discuss emerging findings with key stakeholders. A range of topics were covered, including… Read more

January 2019 Press coverage

Forbes.com 14/01/2019 You’re not a Mumpreneur, just an Entrepreneur  Personneltoday.com 22/01/2019 High-growth firms crowd out competition for talent The Times 22/01/2019 Fast growing firms ‘hoovering up jobs’ from local rivals  

Gazelle firms hoover up rural jobs – but ‘superstars’ boost productivity for all

• Enterprise Research Centre study shows higher numbers of fast-growing firms in a region can lead to net loss of jobs, especially in rural areas • But clusters of companies that combine job growth with productivity gains have a positive impact from ‘spillover’ effects • Policymakers need to be aware of trade-offs from promoting job… Read more

‘Productivity from Below: Addressing the Productivity Challenges of Microbusinesses’.

The ERC are delighted to be involved in leading elements of the ‘Productivity from below: addressing the productivity challenges of microbusinesses‘ project, working with Monder Ram at CREME. Bringing together three leading research centres: the Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME), the Enterprise Research Centre (ERC) and City-REDI (Regional Economic Development Institute) CREME… Read more