Entries by Wendy Ferris

The 19th Annual Ethnic Minority Business Conference (EMBC)

The 19th Annual Ethnic Minority Business Conference (EMBC), the UK’s benchmark event on diversity and entrepreneurship, was held in Birmingham on the 20th of October 2015. Attended by over 125 participants from academia, the corporate sector, financial intermediaries, policy makers, practitioners, community based organisations and entrepreneurs this event was organised by the Birmingham Business School’s… Read more

Launching the 50+ Entrepreneurship Platform Europe, Brussels

On Thursday 15th October Professor Mark Hart, Deputy Director of the UK’s national Enterprise Research Centre (ERC), Aston Business School was invited by the European Parliament in Brussels to attend the  Luncheon Debate: Launching the 50+ Entrepreneurship Platform Europe. The ERC is one of the key stakeholders for this venture with the 50+ Entrepreneurship Platform… Read more

EU DG Regio Open Days, Brussels.

On Tuesday 13th October Professor Mark Hart, Deputy Director of the UK’s national Enterprise Research Centre (ERC) chaired a session with the OECD focussing on the role of micro-enterprise in stimulating job creation and innovation at local, regional and national levels at the DG Regio Open Days, Brussels. Professor Stephen Roper, director , ERC, Warwick… Read more

Oslo Innovation week

On Monday 12th October Professor Mark Hart, Deputy Director of the UK’s national Enterprise Research Centre (ERC) presented on the main successful entrepreneurship policies in the UK to an audience including Deputy Minister for Trade, MP’s  entrepreneurs and investors at the launch of the National Entrepreneurship plan at the beginning of  Oslo Innovation week.

Invest NI Workshop on Enterprise

ERC Deputy  Director Mark Hart presented the latest GEM findings at an internal workshop for Invest NI business development staff and summarised some key elements of other recent ERC research.  The Growth Dashboard and Innovation Benchmark report were highlighted as was the work on the importance of Leadership and Management Skills for SME development and… Read more

ERC at conference

ERC’s Mark Hart and Stephen Roper are both participating in fringe events at the Conservative Party Conference on October 6th 2015. Mark Hart  is one of the key speakers at an evening event hosted by Bright Blue in partnership with the IPSE entitled: “Going it alone: supporting self-employed Britain”. Stephen Roper has been invited by the… Read more


SMES: HOW PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS CAN GROW YOUR BUSINESS Research shows that a lack of management skills is responsible for 56% of small business failures, yet just one in three businesses with 5-24 employees have provided management training in the last 12 months. Growing Your Small Business connects SMEs with their local business schools and… Read more

Sociology of Enterprise

New Research by the Enterprise Research Centre for BIS finds that a business owner’s ‘growth disposition’ can drive business performance and actual business growth. Drawing on social theory, this innovative study looked at whether small business owners exhibit different dispositions regarding growth and, if so, whether and how these affect their mind-sets, business behaviours (i.e…. Read more

‘How innovative is your average lawyer? New survey tells the story’.

Legal professionals are becoming more innovative in running their businesses but more is needed, a new report indicates Findings from the largest ever study of innovation in the legal sector, commissioned by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and the Legal Services Board (LSB), suggest that legal professionals, including solicitors and barristers, are becoming more innovative… Read more

State of Small Business Britain 2015

ERC’s State of Small Business Britain Conference 2015  welcomed over 150 delegates to the Thinktank in Birmingham’s Millennium Point. The morning kicked off with a close look at what happened to the economy between 2008 and 2014 and its impact on small and medium sized businesses. We were proud to launch our UK ‘Growth Dashboard’… Read more