How to skin a (R&D) cat.

Innovate UK recently launched a new loan scheme to support research and innovation in UK firms. This scheme – originally conceived in the austerity years – aims to provide an alternative way of supporting innovation alongside the UK’s innovation grants and tax credits. The new loans also suggest a subtle change in emphasis in UK… Read more

How can we drive better innovation and productivity in UK SMEs?

ERC Roundtable at the 2017 Conservative Party Conference. The Enterprise Research Centre (ERC) hosted a private roundtable at the 2017 Conservative Party conference in Manchester, focusing on the theme of driving better innovation and productivity in UK SMEs. The discussion was particularly timely given that innovation has been placed at the heart of the Government’s… Read more


 RENT XXXI Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business,  Lund, Sweden, November 15th -17th. ERC Research Fellow Areti Gkypali will present Home Alone: Innovation and sales growth intentions among the sole self-employed.  Abstract:It is widely known that solo self-employed entrepreneurs enjoy non-pecuniary benefits from their employment status and earn less compared to those employed. They have greater… Read more

ISBE 2017

ISBE 2017 will be held in Belfast on November 7th -9th. ERC colleagues will be in attendance at the conference with several papers accepted this year for presentation. Mark Hart has two papers accepted at this years conference The Effect of Internet Availability on Entrepreneurial Growth Expectations (Levie and Hart) The UK’s High Growth Firms… Read more

The UK’s Entrepreneurs- Special FT Report

ERC data and research has underpinned three articles published today in a special FT  report “The UK’s Entrepreneurs”  With contributions from Mart Hart, Deputy Director ERC, Aston Business School and featuring infographics from the UK Local Growth Dashboard the report looks at regional trends and how to survive the universal challenges faced by start-ups. Which UK… Read more

Identifying Social Enterprise

New Government report published today Social Enterprise : Market Trends 2017 co-authored by ERC colleagues Professor Ute Stephan , Professor Mark Hart with Dr Emma Folmer, Aston University and Paul Braidford , Steve Lomax, BMG Research   Based on improved methodology and a dedicated survey of a representative sample of the UK small business population,… Read more

State of Small Business Britain 2017

On the 7th September the ERC welcomed over 100 delegates to The Shard for the fourth State of Small Business Britain Conference, with a focus on the theme ‘Driving Innovation and Growth’. This year’s theme was particularly timely, as innovation has been identified as one of the ten strategic pillars to drive growth and productivity… Read more

New report on high growth firms and resilience published today

During the last decade High-Growth Firms (HGFs) – often referred to as ‘Scale-Ups’, have become increasingly recognised as important by policy makers. We know relatively little about the dynamics of these firms as they evolve over time. This paper develops a measurement framework designed to track the population of high growth firms (HGFs) between 1998… Read more