Latest Northern Ireland reports published

The Department for Economy Northern Ireland have published three new reports on SMEs authored by the ERC and Queens University, Belfast. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) UK: NI Report 2022/23 The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is an international project which seeks to provide information on the entrepreneurial landscape of 49 countries in 2022.   NI Local Growth Dashboard… Read more

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor ( GEM ) latest reports

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor ( GEM ) UK report is being launched alongside the GEM Northern Ireland report at a special event hosted by Belfast City Council in conjunction with Aston University, Queen’s University and Ulster University  at The Innovation Factory in Belfast today, June 29th  2023. GEM is the world’s largest survey of entrepreneurship… Read more

State of Small Business Britain Conference 2023: SME Futures

On Wednesday 21st June the ERC team were back at The Shard for our annual State of Small Business Britain conference. The conference, which was chaired this year by our Steering Group Chair Jane Galsworthy, focused on the theme of ‘SME futures’. Delegates enjoyed a day full of knowledgeable and inspiring speakers on a range… Read more

Is presenteeism the new absenteeism?

As businesses continue to rebound from the pandemic, and new ways of hybrid and remote working become embedded, a new ERC study finds that while mental health-related sickness levels are remaining flat, presenteeism has increased sharply. Some reports suggest that this may, in part, be a consequence of new working practices. What does this mean… Read more

Exploring new frontiers

Read the latest newsletter including registration details for the State of Small Business Britain conference 2023.    

Healthy Workplace Ireland report launch

The launch of the new report Healthy Workplace Ireland: A Survey of Mental Health & Well-Being Promotion took place at an event at University College Cork on 29th March. The report is authored by Dr Jane Bourke, and Niamh Lenihan of University College Cork and ERC Director Professor Stephen Roper. It highlights the challenges employers… Read more

Exploring the productivity gap

    The second Savvitas Business and Parliament Forum on women’s entrepreneurship  took place on  March 22nd and was again skilfully chaired by Mark Hart, ERC, Aston Business School  with Helene Martin Gee and Sue Lawton MBE.   The topic this time was Productivity, exploring the UK’s productivity gap, whether this is wider for women entrepreneurs, and if so,… Read more