Invest Ni Research note on ERC paper

Leadership and management skills in SMEs ERC Research conducted by Professor James Hayton cited in Invest NI updated Research Note. Deficiencies in Leadership and Management Skills (LMS), and not implementing management best practices, are a key constraint on business performance in the UK.  To provide evidence of how LMS influence the adoption of best practice… Read more

ERC Directors’ Blog

Our blog provides a space for comment by the ERC Directors on current issues related to entrepreneurship, small business development and innovation. Blog posts are contributed by the ERC Directors Professor Stephen Roper ( and Professor Mark Hart ( Please noted that the  views expressed in this blog belong to the individual blogger and do not… Read more

Nations and regions outpace London for high growth firms

News release NOT FOR PUBLICATION OR BROADCAST UNTIL 00.01 ON FRIDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 2016 19 February 2016 Number of high growth firms – seen as indicator of economic health – reaches nearly 12,000, highest level since the dotcom boom. The number of companies achieving high growth in the nations and regions of the UK is rising more than… Read more

ERC goes International

Stephen Roper was recently part of a team working with OECD to advise the government of Abu Dhabi on the development of the entrepreneurial eco-system. The final report from the project has just been published by OECD. Stephen’s involvement in the project focussed on boosting innovative entrepreneurship and SME innovation and stressed the importance of… Read more

ERC’s New Project Pipeline

2016 sees the start of ERC’s new series of research projects with a focus on the drivers of SME growth and productivity. Key topics include the role of innovation and commercialisation in promoting productivity, the impact of barriers to finance on internationalisation, the role of management and leadership in promoting growth and a focus on… Read more

ERC Press coverage 2015

French 22/12/2015 French Press coverage for ERC – The British employment record after record beating  FT 16/12/2015 ERC 2015 ONS data analysis – Companies create jobs at fastest rate for two decades Belfast Telegraph 24/11/2015 Foreign firms do matter but small business is our real backbone  Legal Business 14/07//2015 The innovation perspective. get the right end… Read more

International Innovation: UK Innovation Hub Online

ERC Director Stephen Roper provides insights into how the UK can effectively support SME creation and growth in the Third Chapter of the UK Innovation Hub online publication. This issue features Enterprise Research Centre ,Innovate UK, Universities UK,  and Times Higher Education, as well as a number of UK universities working hard to boost research… Read more

Understanding the UK’s ‘economic backbone’

Enterprise Research Centre Deputy Director,Mark Hart  writes an ESRC blog highlighting the important ERC research on SMEs. Since the financial crisis of 2008, the UK economy has shifted quite significantly to one that relies less on state spending to provide jobs and growth, and which instead puts its faith in enterprise as the engine of prosperity.  

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship vacancies with the ERC

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships Fixed-term, full-time contract until 31 January 2018.  Applications are invited for Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships based in the Enterprise Research Centre at Warwick Business School and Aston Business School The Enterprise Research Centre is a collaborative research centre led by Warwick and Aston Business Schools with Imperial, Strathclyde, Birmingham and Queen’s University School of… Read more