Private sector creates record number of new jobs

Employer enterprises added a record 695,500 net new jobs in 2014-15. New analysis shows companies that employ staff added nearly 700,000 net new jobs across the UK in 2014-15 – the highest number recorded in the last two decades. The analysis of job creation and destruction in the private sector in the 12 months to… Read more

Partnering to Deliver SME Growth: Establishing a Community of Interest (COI) Group to develop HEI as “Institutional Anchors” through Research-Led Business Support.

On December 17th (10.30 – 15.30), Room C502, The Curzon Building, Birmingham City University , The ERC (Enterprise Research Centre) and ISBE (Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship) invite you to join the full establishment of a community of interest group specifically focusing on models of university/SME engagement which support performance and growth. At last… Read more

ERC Grant Extension announced

We are delighted to announce that an extension to the ERC funding has been awarded by ESRC, BIS, InnovateUK and the British Business Bank. This will allow the Centre to continue its  research and engagement programme until 2018. We look forward to the next two years continuation of our research with the addition of exciting… Read more

Unlocking UK Productivity

UK productivity to be boosted by increasing exporting and innovation among small and medium-sized firms. Britain’s productivity is falling behind other economies because it is slower to turn ambitious smaller firms into exporters of innovative new products and services, according to a new report. With more support, it is estimated that up to 110,000 small… Read more

“Unlocking UK Productivity: Internationalisation and Innovation of SMEs”

   SME growth ambition key to UK productivity puzzle UK Productivity to be boosted by increasing exporting and innovation among small and medium sized firms. Britain’s productivity is falling behind other economies because it is failing to turn ambitious smaller firms into exporters of innovative new products and services, according to a new report. With… Read more

Exporting Innovation

On Friday November 13th Professor Stephen Roper, ERC Director, presented research findings on mid-market exporting, showing how mid-sized businesses can use these outcomes to directly benefit their bottom line during the Export Week event at Warwick Business School. The Enterprise Research Centre (ERC) has worked with GE Capital on the ‘Leading from the Middle’ reports… Read more

Innovation in Micro-businesses seminar

On 5th November, 2015, Queen’s Management School hosted the Innovation in micro-business seminar at Riddel Hall, Belfast. The event was co-organised with the UK Enterprise Research Centre and the Department for Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) and provided new insights on the drivers of innovation in micro-businesses. Micro-enterprises, employing less than 10 employees account for… Read more

The 19th Annual Ethnic Minority Business Conference (EMBC)

The 19th Annual Ethnic Minority Business Conference (EMBC), the UK’s benchmark event on diversity and entrepreneurship, was held in Birmingham on the 20th of October 2015. Attended by over 125 participants from academia, the corporate sector, financial intermediaries, policy makers, practitioners, community based organisations and entrepreneurs this event was organised by the Birmingham Business School’s… Read more

Launching the 50+ Entrepreneurship Platform Europe, Brussels

On Thursday 15th October Professor Mark Hart, Deputy Director of the UK’s national Enterprise Research Centre (ERC), Aston Business School was invited by the European Parliament in Brussels to attend the  Luncheon Debate: Launching the 50+ Entrepreneurship Platform Europe. The ERC is one of the key stakeholders for this venture with the 50+ Entrepreneurship Platform… Read more

EU DG Regio Open Days, Brussels.

On Tuesday 13th October Professor Mark Hart, Deputy Director of the UK’s national Enterprise Research Centre (ERC) chaired a session with the OECD focussing on the role of micro-enterprise in stimulating job creation and innovation at local, regional and national levels at the DG Regio Open Days, Brussels. Professor Stephen Roper, director , ERC, Warwick… Read more