Let’s talk about another M in the business population – Micros

We know that the vast majority of private sector businesses do not grow, and policymakers are always seeking ways to encourage more firms to take the first steps along the growth path, and to sustain it.  As such the emphasis has been on fast-growth, high-growth and scaling as the watch-words of business support policy.Too often… Read more

Changing the late payment culture for SMEs

In the 10th edition of the Exploring Enterprise podcast series from the Enterprise Research Centre, Mark Hart is joined by Philip King, previously the Small Business Commissioner and responsible for advising small businesses on their trading relationships and Ant Persse, Chief Executive of Optimum Finance, a specialist invoice finance company  and newly established Saltare Technologies Limited, a… Read more

What’s happening to finance in an uncertain world?

This week saw the launch of the latest results of the SME Finance Monitor, produced by BVA BDRC . In the first half of this year, it seems that financing behaviours have been shifting across the SME sector. This movement comes after a long period of relative stability. The survey responses add further colour to… Read more

 Rebuilding SME’s confidence to borrow

March 2014 A new report from the Enterprise Research Centre (ERC) sheds more light on ‘discouraged borrowers’ – a previously under-explored group of SMEs who choose not to seek bank finance because they believe they will be unsuccessful. The report, ‘Back to Borrowing? Perspectives on the ‘Arc of Discouragement’, identifies a group of around  173,000… Read more